Criminality, Values, and Responsibility
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- Peele, S. (1987), A moral vision of addiction: How people's values determine whether they become and remain addicts. Journal of Drug Issues, 17, 187-215. Republished in S. Peele, (Ed.), Visions of addiction. San Francisco: Lexington/Jossey-Bass, 1987.
- Peele, S. (1990), Does addiction excuse thieves and killers from criminal responsibility? International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 13, 95-101.
Magazine Articles
- Peele, S. (1989, July/August). Ain't misbehavin': Addiction has become an all-purpose excuse. The Sciences, pp. 14-21.
- Letters from readers to Ain't Misbehavin'. (November/December, 1989), Letter from Roy A. Wise, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, and Stanton's response. The Sciences, pp. 12-16.
- Peele, S. (1991, December), Asleep at the switch (random drug testing of transportation workers). Reason, pp. 63-65.
Newspaper Articles
- Peele, S. (1994, June 24), What O.J.'s letter didn't say. Los Angeles Times, --self-referential letter tends more to prove guilt, not innocence.
- Peele, S. (1997, August 22), Golfer can't blame all his problems on drinking. Daily Record (Morris County, New Jersey), p. A19.
- Peele, S. (2006, October 18), Hail the revelation. A spell in 'rehab' is all the rage among public figures. But what's behind their sudden urge to get clean, and does it send out the wrong messages? The Guardian.
- Peele, S. (2006), Is Mel Gibson a Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde? Sunday Times, Perth (Australia).
- Peele, S. (2007, November 29), Peterson, like O.J., comes off too cool. Daily Record (Morris County, NJ), O3.
- Peele, S. (2009, August 16), Sam Houston and N.J. - perfect together? Daily Record.
Internet Publications
Media Appearances